Canadian Cereal Grains Exporter and Supplier

Barley, common name for members of genus Hordeum of the grass family (Gramineae). Many wild and cultivated forms occur and, since all cultivated forms and some of the wild ones are interfertile, they are assumed to belong to one species, H. vulgare. Because of its ability to adapt to a wide range of soil and climate conditions, barley is widely grown in many parts of the world and was one of the earliest cultivated crops.

Wheat is the common name for members of genus Triticum of the grass family (Gramineae) and for the cereal grains produced by these grasses. Wheat figures among the three most produced cereals in the world, along with corn and rice. Canada is the world’s sixth-largest producer and one of the largest exporters of wheat, annually producing an average of over 25 million tonnes and exporting around 15 million tonnes.

Canola is a crop that was developed in Canada in the 1970s, through traditional plant breeding from rapeseed. The removal of undesirable components from rapeseed made canola an edible and high-quality crop. Canola is a member of a large family of plants called crucifers; its four yellow petals form the shape of a cross. These yellow flowers produce pods from which seeds are harvested by canola growers. Canola is grown across Canada, from Prince Edward Island to British Columbia.

Field corn (Zea mays) is a spring-sown annual belonging to the grass family (Gramineae). Native to North America, Indian corn, or maize, has diverged so radically from its ancestral species that these forerunners cannot be identified with certainty.
Ontario and Québec are the two leading producers, with Ontario accounting for around 65% of the production, and Québec for more than 25%